Countryman, plenty tins dey happen for dis Rivers State-o, especially since wey d State Government start to scatter development for everywhere. Na im make Dem Say come decide to start to go inside town to get wetin d people dey talk about d tins wey dey happen.
Remember say wen Rivers State Gorment tell traders for Ikoku to pack, sey Gorment want to build Nkpolu-Oroworokwo Fly-over, notin wey d traders no talk. Noting wey pipul no talk. In fact, d traders no gree comot from Ikoku.
Dat time, immediately you tell person say you dey go Ikoku, d person know say na spare parts you dey go buy, or to go repair ya motor. Everybody know wetin Ikoku be.
But instead of d trders to comot go to d land wey gorment don give dem to go operate, all of dem just go occupy spaces along Ikwerre Road, and inside streets wey dey for Ikwerre Road.
Dem Say come find out say, small small, na so d traders come arrange with landlord dem wey get house for around Ikwerre Road, especially close to Ikoku, come dey give d landlord dem plenty plenty money as rent wey dia tenant dem no go fit give dem.
Before you know, landlord dem for all d place come increase dia rent to d tenants. Na so trouble wan start.
Before you know, argument done come, landlord dey shout for tenant, sey “pay d new rent, or you leave my house”, and tenant dey say “I no go pay dat kind amount”. Countryman, na Gbege come dey come so-o!
Wen Dem Say come go inside d mata, countryman, tori boku for inside: some of d tenants wey talk to Dem Say talk say, d only tin wey make dem comot from dia compound be say, dia landlord give dem dia balance of rent wey never expire.
Some wey no get money to pay anoda rent for anoda house say dem dey pass through hell from traders wey done collect rooms, and dia landlord dem. Everyday one problem or d oda. For where problem no dey, small tin go just happen: “if d traders no take dia business block you, dem go make noise until you no go fit even stay for inside house wey you pay rent dey stay, and if you report to landlord, him go tell you to go if you no fit stay”, na so one young man wey be tenant talk.
For now, Ikoku traders don take over everywhere for Ikwerre Road, and everyday, houses around Ikoku area, including all d streets for dat area don turn to spare parts shop.
D question wey Dem Say dey ask now be say, now wey house dem for all around Ikwerre Road dey become Ikoku workshop everyday, d same tin wey dem dey do before wey government come tell dem to go to anoda land, wey dem dey block road everywhere, and if ya motor no fit pass you com talk, dem go abuse you, or shout at you, or even beat you if you talk too much, dis tins dem no go start again?
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