I go court d oda day for the case wey one Mr B carry him wife, Mrs B, come court. Him say Mrs B born pickin wey no resemble am at all at all, because d pickin white like snow but him and Mrs B black like charcoal.
When him show d picture of d pickin as evidence, d pickin true true white pass snow sef. Me ma, Barrister Nackson, with all my experience as a SAN (Senior Advocate of Nack), I never see dis kind ting before.
Fear grip me for Mrs B because her case dey like say e get K-leg, sey Mr B no lie on top her head.
Mr B come tell d court say wetin make am sure well well be say d time wey she get belle, him been dey prison, say no person fit climb tree from the top.
Judge come ask Mrs B mek she defend herself. She come say na true say d pickin color no resemble her and Mr B, but na him pickin. She say anoda man no back her, and say na Mr. B nack her sotey she come get belle, come born d pickin.
D tory come get K-leg and bow leg together. Mr B come vex, no be small, say make she tell d court about d landlord wey give her belle.
Na im Judge come ask Mr B wey tin him mean say na landlord give Mrs B belle. Mr B come explain say wen him dey for prison, him go call him wife for night around 10pm, she go cut him call say landlord dey house dey repair tins for d house.
Mr B say, him ask Mrs B weda na every night na him landlord dey repair tins for d house, and why him no fit do d repair for day time?
Him say na wen him wife come born d pickin na im him mind come tell am wetin landlord dey repair every night for house. Him say na d repair work na im make d pikin white like d landlord.
So, d landlord dey landlord him house and dey cut him wife grass too. Mrs B come vex too, say na for night the landlord dey come repair tins for her house because him dey work for day time.
Mr B come vex again say why d landlord go dey buy tins for d baby like no man bizness? Him say anytime landlord buy toys give d pickin, him dey look am with one eye. E be like d landlord know say d pickin na him own. Dis tory confuse d judge. E even confuse me and everybody for court.
Abeg, my pipul, mek ona come here to find out how d mata end next week.
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